Coffee Vs. Dragons is a tag collection game that takes place after you have woken up. As you walk between the realms of wake and sleep, collecting coffee to heighten your senses, you may fall prey to the terrors of the night. The player spawns in a strange blue dimension, full of coffee and dragons. You must collect the coffee and evade the dragons to survive and start your day. The dragons represent the nightmares of your sleep that chase you and try to catch you. The coffee represents the coffee. Safe travels.

how to play:


W - forward

A - left

S - down

D - right


⬆️ - up

⬅️ - left

⬇️ - down

➡️ - right

PS4 Controller:

▲ - Up

X - Down

⬛️ - Left

⚫️ - Right

Speed is determined by the number of times you press the key or button. Each time you press a key or button, the character will move in that direction. The more times you press the key or button, the faster the character will move.

We recommend using WASD and Arrow keys at the same time to gain more speed and survive longer.

what we would add if we had more time:

  • Add levels with more themes, add coffees with different game mechanics (like reverse time, different point values, different effects)
  • What did we not add because of time? E.g., scoreboard, timer, better sounds FX
  • Would develop as a mobile game


  • Developed using Bolt visual scripting, C#, and Unity.
  • The file includes the following that can be used as examples for other projects:       
    • Keyboard and PS4 controllers
    • Simple collision system for the hero, rabbits, and foxes
    • Audio soundtrack
    • Character prefabs

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